Road Icing Safety Awareness Infographics
Awareness Infographics: Official infographics may be used on any web site or social media account as long as the graphic is not cropped or modified. Please provide a link back to in your post.
To download/save one of these infographics, click on each one and then choose the "save" option in your browser.
No Vehicle is Immune - Graphic showing SUVs, 4WD, AWD vehicles losing control or wrecked on icy roads.
Hard-to-see Freezing Rain Ice on Bridge - Example of a freezing rain-coated icy bridge in Texas showing the impossibility of visually detecting the hazard.
Freezing Rain - A Killer on the Highway - Graphic showing some stats on freezing rain impacts along with images of actual accidents happening on roads iced from this type of precipitation.
Freezing Rain Bridge Icing - Graphic showing the near-impossibility of visually detecting bridge iced from freezing rain as a pickup truck crashes on the ice in an actual accident caught on camera.
It Doesn't Take Much Ice or Snow - An image showing an SUV losing control on a bridge iced from very light and partial coating of snow.
Icy Bridges: Clear to Hazardous in Inches - Image showing a bridge covered in snow while the rest of the roads are clear.
Icy Road Crash Statistics - Graphic showing FWHA statistics on crashes during icy road conditions.
Icy Road Risk Zones - Graphic showing the higher concentrations of fatal icy road crashes from two years of data, compared with tornado fatalities in some of the same locations.
Icy Roads during Clear Days - Image showing a road iced only from blowing snow on a clear-sunny day.
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Average annual deaths in the US from icy roads
Average annual injuries in the US from icy roads
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